Jakarta must be proud because it has a diverse Dufan having a game similar to that existing in other countries. In the city that are not too many tourist attractions, Dufan as has answered the need for recreation for its citizens. Like most busy urban communities, families generally prefer Dufan for a vacation because it is situated near the inside Ancol Dream Park so no need to get out of town. Fees for recreation disni not too big when compared spacecraft that can be tried. In addition, Ancol beach there is an area in the city can be a means of introducing natural for children.
Adrenaline boosters Games
There are lots of different interesting games with high technology and its safety has been guaranteed that you can try. You can try to try the game adrenaline in Dufan.

Tornado For example, where when you are in a certain altitude, your body will be screened during the many times with high speed.

Or Kora Kora, the boat resembles a large, you will be swung to the position of almost 90 degrees so that the body almost perpendicular to the ground.

Lightning also will boost your adrenaline, with six carriage train, this train will run with a very high speed, then turned quickly and the peak will rotate with the position facing the ground.

Power Surge or Kicir-Kicir must be tested, a game that will lift your chair, twisting and turning your body.
To enjoy the spectacle of the simulator, there's the Turbo Tour simulator theater with seats that can be shifted so that makes you feel as if part of what was in the movie. In order not to get bored, the manager periodically change the film to watch. This spectacle despite a brief but scary enough and make your adventure more exciting Dufan.
Ready Wet Games

When you're ready to get wet, try Rafting. With eight people in a ring-shaped boat, you'll feel the white water rafting on the river with a rushing stream and surrounded by rocks. Boat will be rotating and the heavy water flow did not hesitate to hit you and make your body wet.

If you want to feel the jump from the waterfall, you can try Niagara. On this ride, you climb the boat, in the form of lumps of wood, will walk towards the cave Indian community, then the boat will rise as high as 30 meters and SLOSH ...! The boat will dive in and with high speed and be prepared to hit the water splashes all over your body.
Family and Educational Games

For those of you who take their children and want to try a casual game, Palace Dolls became a favorite vehicle and means for their education. There are hundreds of animatronic dolls (robots) from various tribes in Indonesia and around the world with clothing and characteristics of each tribe and accompanied by songs from their respective ethnic languages. All can be enjoyed with a boat and climbed inside a cool room as she heard the Doll Palace typical songs in different languages and accompaniment tracks.
If you want to try to fly, try Elephant and Bird Combat Bledug who can rise to a height of 15 feet while spinning. Other probes are Turangga insects. This game is a beautiful carousel. With horse riding up and down, your child would love it. Encourage your child to watch Ballad Apes, an operetta performances played by animatronic robots resembling apes will provide some humor and moral values to children while introducing them to the strains of folk songs in the archipelago.

Furthermore, the Ferris wheel Ferris wheel rides, with a height of 33 meters you can see all the vehicles and buildings around the World Fantasy and also see some of the Java Sea. If you climb this vehicle in the daytime, you can see up to a thousand islands in the Java Sea. Meanwhile, if at night, you can enjoy the beauty of the city at night.
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